Label all files in an SPO site

Oftentimes when deploying MIP Sensitive Labels, I run into use cases where customers want to auto label all files in an SPO site. This is usually for a site that will always contain proprietary data, such as a Project Site, or Departmental Site. When this comes up customers are typically looking at the Container Level ... Read More

Endpoint DLP PreReq Check

Looking to implement Microsoft’s Endpoint DLP? Concerned you haven’t met the prereqs for deployment? If you have that question then the first place you should check is the Edge URL’s. Microsoft has added a great little utility to help you identify the status of various DLP Utilities. Specifically in this case to check EndPoint DLP ... Read More

Audit All Mailbox Activity

Note: Updated 11/12/2021 to include SearchQueryInitiated Ever wanted to make sure you are auditing all available activities in Exchange Online? Me too! So I wrote a PowerShell to turn on logging for every possible item EXO can audit. Adjust to your liking and license level! So why would you want this? Isn’t logging enabled by ... Read More

Find EOP – MDO Misconfig with KQL

One of the biggest/most common misconfigurations I have seen with EOP/MDO is an overuse of IP or domain allow lists. MSFT has updated its guidelines to no longer recommend customers use those features. However, the hard thing is determining how many emails are coming into your environment without scanning due to those settings. I needed ... Read More

Blog Update

Had a lot of life updates since Covid, New Job, New Home all the Covid stuff. As life is starting to normalize again I am again thinking blogging would be fun! And maybe just maybe some of the stuff I post helps someone else. So my goal is to start publishing more on this blog ... Read More